from pprint import pprint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import osmnx
import networkx as nx
import tqdm
#%matplotlib notebook
%matplotlib inline
# I want to use stop sign directionality
osmnx.settings.useful_tags_node.extend(('stop', 'direction'))
# Force all ways to be oneway, so we preserve OSM order
# The graph is nearly undirected otherwise
osmnx.settings.all_oneway = True
#bbox_north = ...
#bbox_south = ...
#bbox_east = ...
#bbox_west = ...
#G_simple = osmnx.graph_from_bbox(bbox_north, bbox_south, bbox_east, bbox_west,
# network_type='drive_service', simplify=True)
#osmnx.plot_graph(G_simple, node_size=20);
#G = osmnx.graph_from_bbox(bbox_north, bbox_south, bbox_east, bbox_west,
# network_type='drive_service', simplify=False)
#osmnx.plot_graph(G, node_size=20);
# Instead of pulling the graph from OSM, I saved the data to a file, normalized the lat/lon and such
G = nx.MultiDiGraph(nx.read_gexf('hood.gexf'))
G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G)
G.graph['name'] = 'unnamed'
G.graph['crs'] = osmnx.settings.default_crs
osmnx.plot_graph(G, node_size=20);
# Since we lied about everything being oneway, make an undirected version of the graph
Gu = G.to_undirected()
nodes = list(G.nodes(data=True))
edges = list(G.edges(data=True))
node_dict = dict(G.nodes(data=True))
edge_dict = {(e[0],e[1]): e[2] for e in edges}
uedge_dict = {(e[0],e[1]): e[2] for e in Gu.edges(data=True)}
uedge_dict.update({(e[1],e[0]): e[2] for e in Gu.edges(data=True)})
pprint(nodes[0:10], width=200, sort_dicts=False)
pprint(edges[0:15], width=200, sort_dicts=False)
home_node = 17
exit_node = 13
annotate = False
osmnx.plot_graph(G, node_size=20, annotate=annotate, show=False, close=False)
plt.plot(node_dict[home_node]['x'], node_dict[home_node]['y'], 'go')
plt.plot(node_dict[exit_node]['x'], node_dict[exit_node]['y'], 'ro');
# Average speed when moving along a way
residential_speed = 9. # m/s ~ 20 mph
service_speed = 4.5 # m/s ~ 10 mph
# Time added for each stop sign encountered
# Note: this does a bad thing. If we have a two-way stop, we'll count
# both the forward facing and backward facing stop sign.
stop_time = 5. # s
def metric(edge):
node0, node1, data = edge
length = float(data['length'])
speed = residential_speed if data['highway'] == 'residential' else service_speed
weight = length / speed
if node0 in node_dict:
node_data = node_dict[node0]
if 'highway' in node_data and 'stop' in node_data['highway']:
weight += stop_time
return weight
def num_stops(path):
stops = 0
for p in path:
node_data = node_dict[p]
if 'highway' in node_data and 'stop' in node_data['highway']:
stops += 1
return stops
def path_time(path):
t = 0.
for e in nx.utils.pairwise(path):
t += uedge_dict[e]['weight']
return t
for e in Gu.edges(data=True):
data = e[2]
data['weight'] = metric(e)
path = nx.shortest_path(Gu, source=home_node, target=exit_node, weight='weight')
print('num_stops =', num_stops(path))
print('path len =', len(path))
print('path time =', path_time(path))
osmnx.plot.plot_graph_route(Gu, path, node_size=20);
# Let's try to do a better job of handling the stop signs.
# Additionally, how much slower is the next slowest path?
# Now the objective function is path dependent. There aren't
# many edges in the graph, so let's just cook up all simple paths
# from the start to the exit? Then estimate the travel time along
# each path and take the top N.
# This part is quite slow...
all_paths = list(nx.simple_paths.all_simple_paths(Gu, home_node, exit_node, cutoff=30))
def path_time2(path):
t = 0.
for e in nx.utils.pairwise(path):
node0, node1 = e
e_in_edges = e in edge_dict
traversal_direction = 'forward' if e_in_edges else 'backward'
data = edge_dict[e] if e_in_edges else edge_dict[(e[1],e[0])]
length = float(data['length'])
speed = residential_speed if data['highway'] == 'residential' else service_speed
t += length / speed
# Add stop time only if we're facing the stop
# The two-way stops have direction=forward/backward tags, but those don't appear
# in the node or edge data.
node0_data = node_dict[node0]
if 'highway' in node0_data and node0_data['highway'] == 'stop':
if 'stop' not in node0_data or node0_data['stop'] == 'all':
t += stop_time
elif node0_data['stop'] == 'minor':
if traversal_direction == node0_data['direction']:
t += stop_time
return t
all_paths.sort(key=lambda p: path_time2(p))
N = 6
for p in all_paths[:N]:
print('path time =', path_time2(p))
print('path =', p)
osmnx.plot.plot_graph_route(Gu, p, node_size=20);
test_paths = {
'path 1': ([17, 16, 136, 50, 167, 51, 129, 168, 52, 96, 53, 83, 54, 2, 29, 191, 28, 122, 45, 134, 116, 13], 122.0),
'path 3': ([17, 158, 18, 94, 130, 21, 79, 22, 81, 23, 24, 121, 25, 36, 49, 48, 47, 42, 46, 45, 134, 116, 13], 135.0),
'path 4': ([17, 16, 136, 50, 167, 51, 129, 168, 52, 96, 53, 83, 54, 2, 29, 191, 28, 122, 45, 134, 116, 13], 116.0),
'path 6': ([17, 95, 131, 33, 178, 90, 179, 34, 180, 35, 181, 30, 182, 93, 36, 49, 48, 47, 42, 46, 45, 134, 116, 13], 115.0),
'path 7': ([17, 95, 131, 33, 51, 38, 56, 97, 84, 189, 55, 190, 91, 28, 122, 45, 134, 116, 13], 113.0)
for k,t in test_paths.items():
p, test_time = t
print('path time =', path_time2(p))
print('test time =', test_time)
osmnx.plot.plot_graph_route(Gu, p, node_size=20);