Riding Bunce School Rd., T-33 crash site, Coney Flats

Enjoying the rocks at the top of a Park Creek offshoot (202.1A). This is where the slow-speed maneuvering drills pay off.

The T-33 plane crash trail (203.1) is a fun one. The trail has lots of small-to-moderate-sized rock ledges. Trails Offroad has a short writeup of the trail and the crash.

This picture was taken on the footbridge at the end of the Middle St. Vrain road (114.1). Good place to take a break and get a bite to eat before heading up Coney Flats Road (507.1).

There’s a hiking trailhead here for Buchanan Pass, though I’m not gonna try that in motocross boots.

This is the big water crossing on Coney Flats Road. For future reference, I crossed just to the left of the exposed rock, the deepest part of the crossing was about 18”, and the bottom is a little bit sandy.

Brake lever carnage on the 250L. Corinne’s got quite the assortment of bent/broken brake levers and shifter pegs in the workshop.


